Want to Follow Jesus?

"If you declare with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved." - Romans 10:9

There is only one way to heaven- through the belief that Jesus Christ is Lord. If you have found yourself drawn to following Jesus, and want to start your relationship with Him, the first step is inviting Him into your life by declaration, and believing it in your heart.

Not sure how to do this? Well, that's why we created this video! Pastor Stuart has given you an example prayer of how to start your conversation with Him. If you pray this prayer, we want to CONGRATULATE you on the best decision you've ever made! Those that believe this have the blessing of eternal life after death in Heaven.
If you prayed this prayer and are wondering "what now?", your first step is to tell someone. God did not design us to follow Him by ourselves, but to have a support system of believers on the Earth as well. Find a local church or a friend that you know believes in Jesus, and tell them where you are in your new walk. If no one stands out to you, feel free to hit the button below, and we will be happy to be your new friend!
Praying this prayer and claiming your position in the kingdom of God is only part of the equation. Following Him means you now have an ongoing relationship with Him. Just like a Father, or a best friend, He is close to us and our life on the Earth can be so much better with Him in it! We highly recommend getting your hands on a Bible. The Bible is the written record of not only Jesus' life, but how God has worked through people through history. It has every answer you need. The Bible is God's written word, and is a way that He speaks to us and guides us directly.

Because you have God inside your heart, you can also talk to him on a regular basis! Prayer is an amazing way to get closer to Him, and eventually, you will be able to hear Him speaking to you directly the more you tune in to your growing relationship. Although it may feel crazy and like you are talking to yourself at first, He hears you, and is listening! Prayer doesn't have to be fancy. Speak to him in your own voice, how you would normally talk to anyone here on the Earth. If you have ANY questions about your new walk with God or you want to know more about Him, or what to do next, send us an email at the same email above, contact@woodlandchurchonline.com. We are so happy for you, and more importantly, GOD LOVES YOU!