Missions Trip to India

I hope this message finds you well. Julie and I are privileged to be monthly financial partners with Brad Hofen, a dedicated Rhema Missionary to India. During our time as pastors, our church supported Brad and his family financially, and whenever he was in the United States, he generously ministered to our congregation.

In December 2023, Brad reached out with a unique opportunity. He invited me to India to teach at one of the Rhema Bible Schools for a week. These schools desperately need seasoned ministers to impart biblical revelation and wisdom. This idea immediately seemed right to me, and after some time thinking and praying, Julie and I decided to take on this mission. Consequently, Brad connected me with the head of the school, who suggested October as an ideal time for our visit.

Julie and I are excited to embark on this mission to India in October, though the dates are still being finalized. Based on our planning, we anticipate needing between $6,000 and $8,000 to cover the costs of this ministry trip. Someone has come forward and will match dollar for dollar up to $3,000! The school will provide room and board, so the funds will cover our flights and an offering to the school.

We invite you to join us in this mission in two significant ways. First, we ask you to agree with us in prayer that we will be in the right place at the right time, that the message God wants me to deliver will be clear, and that we will represent Jesus, Rhema, and Woodland Church with excellence. Second, please consider partnering with us financially. Whether through a one-time gift or smaller contributions over the next few months, your support will make a tremendous difference. Every dollar will go directly toward this mission.

Pastor Stuart has graciously allowed us to raise funds through Woodland Church, ensuring your contributions are tax-deductible. To donate, please make your checks payable to Woodland Church with " Adcock India " on the memo line. For online giving, click the "DONATE HERE" button below. Select the "Missions" fund, enter the amount, click "next," and then type "Adcock India" in the "Note" field.

Julie and I deeply appreciate your love and support as we endeavor to fulfill God's call on our lives.

Ryan & Julie Adcock